Friday, October 12, 2012

The Uppercut

Im deeply disturbed. Not only by what Ive seen but by the reactions of various people. Im speaking of the shocking video clip of the Cleveland bus driver and his famous uppercut he gave to a loud young girl. No one, besides those who were present on that bus are sure how it started exactly, but we all can see how it ended. Everyone had their opinion & threw their own two cents into it. Now I'll add mine. This girl is sad. She's being totally disrespectful not only to the driver (who is her elder) the other passengers, and not to mention HERSELF. She had no shame in her sharp words and ignorant demeanor. I know Ive spoken on this before, but these young people are from a completely different world. I'd hate to blame it on the parents but are these newer parents bringing them up as firmy as we were? There was a time when we behaved better. Shes also a distraction, not needed. The man is DRIVING! And this rude adolescent is in his ear & mind upsetting him to the point of him snaping on her, putting everyone's life at risk. What if he had crashed the bus? She wouldve been responsible for everyone hurt.

And what of the driver? This is a GROWN man. Old enough to have a granddaughter, as he himself said. He should've had better control of his emotions and actions. He looks a good 200lbs easy. She looked a mere 120. How does that compare? How is that fair? Ok, she hit him. But surely her tap was nothing as strong as the lick he gave her. "She wanna be a man, I'll treat her like a man". But thats just the point. Shes NOT a man! The driver isnt either for that matter. A man, REAL man, would NEVER, EVER raise his hand to a female. No matter what she said or what she did, shes still the "Weaker Vessel." He shouldve been "MAN" enough to walk away. Call the police. Hell, get your granddaughter if its that serious. The situation went way too far. I know sometimes we as women provoke it. We may even tell a man, "Go head hit me! I DARE YOU!" Some women are indeed trifling, and may indeed ask for it, but theres never a reason for that.

The comments under the clip and on twitter in response to this is cruel. People are actually applauding his actions, and encouraging other men to do the same. What kinda people are these? To encourage violence of any kind is beastly. They are completely insensitive and it was sickening. Saying things like, "She deserved it," and "Dont give a lick if you cant take a lick." Again, she was wrong. Dead wrong for provoking this. But he isnt in the right either. We cant beat her down for what she did and yet cheer for the wrong he contributed. Women as well, surprisingly. Laughing and making jokes about it. Sure its funny until its them on the other side of a man's fist. Then they want the police, their fathers', brothers, uncles, ANYONE to come & rescue them & lick their wounds. Females, you cant have it both ways, either you're pro domestic violence or you arent.

I grew up with all types of violence around me. Ive seen things I wish could leave my brain matter. Im sure thats why this hurts me so. Lets give our kids more attention, keep them on the straight and narrow so they dont end up like this poor girl. Lets teach them better, male and female. Maybe in time, the pride and respect will return as strong as it was in generations past. That's Dani's Dose for the day!

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