Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Children ARE our future!

            What is going on in this world today? It is frightening to see, as time moves along, cases of child abuse becoming more popular. Are we so stressed with the pains and anxieties of everyday life that we see fit to take it out on those who are the most defenseless against us? Our children, our babies, those who look to us for protection FROM harm, and come TO us when scared. How dare we take advantage of their innocence and vulnerability?

             This woman went into the wal-mart to shop on a sunny day. It must have been a relief to go inside in the airconditioning since it was over 90 degrees outside. 45 minutes she stayed, shopping, snacking, enjoying herself. All the while her 2-month old baby boy stayed locked inside her car outside in the heat with all the windows rolled up. It was OVER 100 degrees inside the car! Now, I don't care how forgetful a person may be, YOU NEVER FORGET YOUR BABY! There was no way she could say, "Oh, I forgot he was back there." She was not fooling me or anyone else. The truth was, she didn't want that boy and hoped he would die in the car. How cruel can you be? Im not a cursing woman but when I saw this on the news, I had a few cross words leave my mouth. Really, if she didn't want him to begin with, why not give him away instead of trying to hurt him? Besides having a fever and a high temperature, the baby was fine. Thank God.

            There was an incident in a day care center last week that had me crying. BAWLING. Some crazy chick put a baby in a hot tub/sink and left him there with the hot water running. He ended up with 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his back, legs, butt, and get this, HIS PRIVATES! The news even showed pictures of his burned flesh, and I couldn't take it. I turned the channel and my head away, and sobbed to myself. Her excuse? She said she didn't know the water was that hot. They closed the day care center down but the damage to the baby was already done! What kind of idiotic crap was that? You ALWAYS check the temperature of water before you sit a baby or small child in it. Even if she didn't know the water was hot(which she did)you NEVER leave a baby or small child in water unattended! Everyone knows that, so how come she, someone who's occupation is taking care of babies and small children, didn't know that? She was not fooling me or anyone else. The truth was she just didn't care. She deliberately burned that boy and got some kind of small, sick satisfaction from hurting him.

           It is evident what Jesus said how "in the last days people would have no natural affection."(2 Tim 3:3) It used to be all abusers were men, it was inconceivable that a female could ever hurt a child! But now we see there are as much women abusers as there are men. They will get what they deserve when locked away in prison with other mothers. Mothers who would give their left arm to be with their kids and can't because of doing time for other crimes. They don't appreciate the women who come in for hurting children. They let them have it, and they should! What the court system needs to do along with forcing them to do time, is let them experience EXACTLY what it was they did to that child. Let them feel that excruciating pain! Let them call out for help and not recieve it! Let them scream in agony! Then allow the family members of the child to come in each and every day and beat the living $#!% out of them! EVERY SINGLE DAY! I bet they won't hurt anyone else if they're still alive when their sentence is over.

           Please, people. If you don't want children, be responsible when having sex. If you can't manage parenting or find it intolerable, GIVE THEM AWAY. There is an overabundance of couples who will gladly take them. If your child is old enough to speak and you have to leave them in someone else's care, talk to them. Ask them questions about what goes on when parents aren't around. Show up unannounced and observe. Basically just do whatever necessary to make sure your child and others' as well are safe. I just don't condone hurting children. Not because I know what it's like to be that hurt child, (although I do know) but because I am a GENUINE human being. Yes, sensitive to the heartbreak of others. Take care of these kids, remember they are the future, and the way they turn out depends on us adults. If you are the ones going around abusing, rest assure that your time will come! Revenge is a B!%&3! That's Dani's dose for the day.


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